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蓝湾马尔代夫酒店Vakarufalhi Island Resort

Vakarufalhi Island Resort Male is tucked away in a remote corner in South Ari Atoll. The resort is an ideal place for those seeking a haven of peace for total relaxation and also to unwind completely from the hassles of modern living. The resort features individual bungalows all surrounded by the lush tropical vegetation and with natural splendour. The on-site restaurant offers an excellent variety of delicious cuisine, during your stay at Vakarufalhi.

地址:Vakarufalhi Island, South Ari Atoll, Maldives

如何到达: 哇卡茹发岛度假村距离马累国际机场90公里。 距离机场:90公里至机场需:乘水上飞机25分钟。 【地图】

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