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瑚湖尔岛酒店Hulhule Island Hotel

Hulhule Island Hotel(瑚湖尔岛酒店)座落在美丽的马尔代夫群岛中,马累的机场附近,距离国际机场仅5分钟车程。酒店共有88间豪华客房和套房,近步海景和四周绝妙热带风光,一览无余。酒店餐厅荟萃了现代美食,包括欧洲、日本佳肴,提供点菜和丰盛的自助餐。   Hulhule Island Hotel(瑚湖尔岛酒店)是作为中转客和长期度假客人的不错之选。

地址:P.O.BOX 2118, Male, Republic of Maldives

如何到达: Hulhule Island Hotel is located on the Airport island of Hulhule in the beautiful Maldives. Nestled in lush tropical landscape, with the sea right at your door step. Male’, the capital of Maldives is just 10 minutes boat ride from the Hulhule Island Hotel. 【地图】

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